esmaspäev, 27. mai 2013

FOTO: Lasnamäel jäi kadunuks 57-aastane Irina

Põhja prefektuur palub abi 57-aastase Irina Korolko leidmisel. Naine lahkus oma kodust Lasnamäel 18. mail ega ole tänaseni naasnud.

Irina on kõhna kehaehitusega ning ligi 165 cm pikk. Tal on hallikad keskmise pikkusega juuksed.

Viimati oli tal seljas musta värvi keskmise pikkusega jope, tumeroheline kootud kampsun, jalas tumesinised teksapüksid ja heledad jalatsid.

Politsei palub kõigil, kes teavad naise võimalikku asukohta, anda sellest teada telefonidel 6124836, 6124810 või 110.
Allikas: Delfi 

kolmapäev, 15. mai 2013

Health care in danger: The human cost

When armed violence breaks out, hospitals, ambulances, the sick and wounded must be protected from attack, as must health workers as they deal with the skyrocketing needs around them. Unfortunately, the health system itself is often the first casualty of war and armed violence.

Through the voices of doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers and patients, our new film shows the human cost of violence against health personnel and the facilities where they work.

WARNING: this film contains scenes that some viewers may find disturbing.

From: International Committee of the Red Cross.

teisipäev, 14. mai 2013

Feds seize AP phone records for criminal probe

AP CEO Gary Pruitt sent a letter of protest to Attorney General 
Eric Holder, pictured here.(Photo: Alex Wong, Getty Images)

The U.S. Justice Department has seized without notice comprehensive phone records for reporters and editors at the Associated Press, prompting the news agency to protest Monday directly to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.

"I am writing to object in the strongest possible terms to a massive and unprecedented intrusion by the Department of Justice into the newsgathering activities of The Associated Press," wrote AP CEO Gary Pruitt, in a letter to Holder that was posted on AP's website.

The Justice Department didn't explain why the records were subpoenaed, saying only in a statement that they were needed for investigation of an unspecified criminal matter. The statement said media organizations are notified in advance of such subpoenas "unless doing so would pose a substantial threat to the integrity of the investigation."

The phone records date to April and May of 2012. The AP reported that they may have been collected for an investigation of a leak to the AP of information used in a May 7, 2012, story about a foiled terror plot, including details of a CIA operation in Yemen. CIA Director John Brennan has said previously that he was questioned by the FBI about whether he was the AP's source for the story, which he denies.

The AP was told of the Justice Department's seizure of phone records on May 10 in a letter to its lawyers from the office of U.S. Attorney Ronald Machen in Washington, D.C. According to Pruitt's letter, the records involve more than 20 phone lines, including AP's general phone number in New York City and numbers in bureaus in New York City; Washington, D.C. (including the House of Representatives); and Hartford, Conn. More than 100 journalists work in the offices, according to the AP.

"DOJ has interpreted its powers broadly enough to grab phone records of media organizations without giving notices," says David Cross, lawyer at Crowell & Moring, who has specialized in electronic discovery law. "It certainly creates questions about the First Amendment. For 20 phone lines, that's a whole lot of information DOJ is sitting on beyond the target of the investigation."

The home-phone and cellphone records of several AP journalists were also seized, Pruitt wrote.

"These records potentially reveal communications with confidential sources, ... provide a road map to AP's newsgathering operations, and disclose information about AP's activities and operations that the government has no conceivable right to know," wrote Pruitt.

The actions of the DOJ "shock the American conscience and violate the critical freedom of the press protected by the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Americans demand a full accounting," said Caroline Little, CEO of Newspaper Association of America.

The DOJ statement said, "We take seriously our obligations to follow all applicable laws, federal regulations, and Department of Justice policies when issuing subpoenas for phone records of media organizations. Those regulations require us to make every reasonable effort to obtain information through alternative means ..."

But Pruitt wrote that DOJ's failure to narrow the scope of its subpoenas "to matters actually relevant to an ongoing investigation" is troubling. "The regulations require that, in all cases and without exception, a subpoena for a reporter's telephone toll records must be 'as narrowly drawn as possible.' This plainly did not happen."

Allikas: Usa Today

pühapäev, 12. mai 2013

8.05.2013 vabastati soomlastest kaasad pantvangist.

Siepatut suomalaiset Leila ja Atte Kaleva.

Jeemeni pealinnas Sanaas 21.12.2012 Tahriri väljakul keset päeva pantvangistatud ning Reutersi andmetel 08.05.2013 õhtul vabastatud soomlastest kaasade Atte ja Leila Kaleva lugu on äratanud Soome meediaväljaande Yle Uutiset sõnul üsna mitmeid küsimusi.


Soome kaitsejõudude teatel oli puhkusel olev vanemleitnant Atte Kaleva Jeemenis isiklikel eesmärkidel ja tema sealviibimisel polnud midagi pistmist tema tööga. Kaleva ise on öelnud, et ta oli Jeemenis õppimas araabia keelt ja kogumas materjali terrorismiga seotud väitekirja uurimistööks. Tema naine, kes töötab naftakompaniis Neste Oil juhtival kohal ja on varem samuti töötanud kaitseväes, saabus oma abikaasale külla...

Kas kriisipiirkondades toime pandud välismaalaste pantvangistamised võivad olla juhuslikku laadi? Kui juhuslik oli kirjeldatud taustaga soome kodanike röövimine välismaalastele suhteliselt turvalise pealinna Sanaa keskel, on kindlasti teada neile kahele endile – millist informatsiooni nad enne juhtunut enda kohta välja jagasid ning kui suureks nad endaga kauplemise hinna sellega kujundasid. Teadaolevalt kujuneb igast pantvangist väärtus, millega saab nende omanik kaubelda oma eesmärkide saavutamise nimel. On tavaline, et pantvange ostetakse üle ning nende vabastamise hind on ainult üks osa (ja ei pruugi olla sugugi mitte kõige olulisem)tehingutest, mida nendega tehakse või nende abil algatatakse. Kui ka Atte Kaleva eesmärk tegeleda kuumas piirkonnas uurimistööga terrorismiga seotud väitekirja koostamiseks kandis endas soovi muuta maailm paremaks paigaks, siis küsimuse, mille puudutamist soomlased nüüd tagasihoidlikult on alustanud (ning millest eestlased Liibanoni juhtumil sujuvalt mööda vangerdasid), küsib FindMe otse – kas asetades ennast positsiooni, kus sind võidakse muuta (ja antud juhul muudetigi) peenrahaks tehingutes, mille ärahoidmist sa püüad takistada, talitasid vastutustundlikult ning milline on kriisipiirkondades toimetavate võõramaalaste endi isiklik moraalne vastutus ennast kellegi malelauale vabatahtlikult etturiks asetades? Vastutus nii kriisipiirkondades elavate inimeste kui oma riigi ees? Muidugi on kõik teisiti, kui kellelegi tundub, et tegemist võis olla täieliku ebaõnnega keset päeva pealinnas jalutades ning röövlitega, kellel sellel päeval polnud muud midagi teha, kui võtta möödasõidul kaasa mõned välismaalased…
Täna teab maailm avalikult ühte osa sellest tehingust – on säästetud kolm elu – kahe soomlase ja ühe austerlase oma…

/Aare Rüütel, FindMe/

laupäev, 11. mai 2013

In today's Daily Brief: Ali Haider, the son of Pakistan's former Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and a candidate for the Pakistan Peoples' Party, was kidnapped in the central city of Multan by gunmen during an election rally ahead of Sunday's vote.

Read the rest of the Daily Brief here:

Photo credit: Akram Shahid/Courtesy Reuters

neljapäev, 9. mai 2013

Lost City found in Kalahari Desert ?

Jaimy Visser had this to say about the discovery;

I’ve found hundreds of circular ruins worldwide while working on my Esthar Project, but usually in terrains that we wouldn’t even be thinking of settling in nowadays. These spirals are incredibly large, and since it’s been an important symbol for so many cultures throughout history, I don’t think we should rule out the possibility they’re old – very old.

kolmapäev, 8. mai 2013

"Every day, collection systems at the National Security Agency intercept and store 1.7 billion e-mails, phone calls and other types of communications."...

Loe lähemalt:
...tasub meeles pidada ning aeg-ajalt meelde tuletada...

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Dear friends!
Investigation agency FindMe is a registered user at international forum private detectives since 02 may 2013
Alates 02. maist 2013 on juurdlusbüroo FindMe registreeritud rahvusvahelise eradetektiivide foorumi kasutajaks.